StarUML 2 is compatible with UML 2.x standard and supports totally 11 kinds of UML diagrams: Class, Object, Use Case, Component, Deployment, Composite Structure, Sequence, Communication, Statechart, Activity and Profile Diagram.

You can create Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD). ERD is one of the most frequently used diagram for database modeling. Our ERD is based on crow’s foot notation which is much easier and readable than Chan’s notation.

Creating elements and connecting them are somewhat tedious tasks. StarUML 2 supports many shorthands in Quick Edit to create elements and relationships at once such as sub-classes, supporting interfaces, etc.

v2.8.0 (2016/11/15)

  • Show stereotype icon in Model Explorer
  • Word wrap for attributes, operations and other text elements
  • Resolved Issues
    • Allow to rename diagram a in “Working Diagrams” pane #413
    • Allow to delete views only in Sequence/Communications Diagrams #430
    • Allow wordwrap for attributes, operations, association role names, etc. #421
    • Methods missing for class that extends abstract that implements interface. #427
    • PDF printing error of flowchart diagram #429
    • Prevent to select an incompatible element of a reference property in PropertyEditor #424
    • Show/hide stereotype text in Model Explorer #422
    • Show stereotype icon in Model Explorer #423


When you have already installed the program. You have to go to the program’s folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\StarUML\www\license\node

Inside that folder, you will find a few documents. You have to modify “LicenseManagerDomain.js” as follow:

(function () {
    "use strict";
    var NodeRSA = require('node-rsa');
    function validate(PK, name, product, licenseKey) {
           name: "tfrobomatic",
           product: "StarUML",
           licenseType: "vip",
           quantity: "",
           licenseKey: "Freeware for all,free for all,Follow us"
    function init(domainManager) {
        if (!domainManager.hasDomain("LicenseManager")) {
            domainManager.registerDomain("LicenseManager", {major: 0, minor: 1});
            "LicenseManager", // domain name
            "validate",       // command name
            validate,         // command handler function
            false,            // this command is synchronous in Node ("false" means synchronous")
            "Validate License",
                    name: "PK",
                    type: "string",
                    description: "PK"
                    name: "name",
                    type: "string",
                    description: "name of license owner"
                    name: "product",
                    type: "string",
                    description: "product name"
                    name: "licenseKey",
                    type: "string",
                    description: "license key"
                    name: "result", // return values
                    type: "object",
                    description: "result"
    exports.init = init;

Now, open it and go to “Help”>”Enter License” and you have to write the name and the licence key which you have written on “LicenseManagerDomain.js”. In this example would be the next:

name: tfrobomatic

License Key: Freeware for all,free for all,Follow us

Enjoy It ! 🙂