For the Developers

Facebook Members Removal (Bulk) using Javascript

  1. Get your FB id from the following here
  2. Include the FB IDs you want to exclude.Please note that to remember to enter your FB ID to the excluded FB ID segement otherwise you will be removed firstly.
  3. Make sure you are an admin of the group or ask an admin to make you an admin
  4. open your browser Console(Developer Tools) and then Copy Paste the below Javascript on the console(Include the excluding Fb ids) and press enter.
  5. you will see it removing the users except the Ids you have asked to exclude including yourself.
  6. Tip! : Open up several tabs and copy paste the link you entered to speedup the process.
  7. 10k members can be removed in 1/2 hour 😀


Click the link to go to github and click on the file to view it.Copy paste it 🙂